NOTE: For policy information on completing the College’s language requirement, please visit the Dean’s website by clicking HERE.

Take the Emmersion WebCAPE in Chinese, French, German, or Spanish

Importantly, WebCAPE provides instant test results that will assist you in choosing the right level language course for Chinese, French, German, and Spanish. The language department offers students of Chinese, French, German and Spanish the option of taking the WebCAPE placement exam if they have not otherwise submitted an SAT, AP or IB subject test score to the Registrar’s office. In contrast with College Board subject test scores, WebCAPE results are calibrated so that  students can quickly determine which language course to take when registering on line at Lafayette. If students choose *not* to take WebCAPE for whatever reason, the department will assist them in finding the appropriate course level by reviewing their high school transcripts and other records submitted with their college applications.

For questions about placement, please contact one of the LLS Language Placement Coordinators: Prof. Amauri Gutierrez- Coto or Prof: :Sidney Donnell

(email: (

l. Overview
• Emmersion WebCAPE  helps  students of Chinese (Mandarin), French, German, and Spanish quickly identify which Lafayette course to take before registering for classes online.
• The subject test usually lasts about 20 minutes in European languages and about 50 minutes in Chinese.
• You may take the test only once in any given subject.
• There is a $10 fee.

NOTE: If you are normally eligible for fee waivers, please contact Professor Mary Toulouse, Director of the Languages & Literary Studies Resource Center, to apply for reimbursement after taking this test:

II. Take the Test

Open a new window in your Web browser. Go to the testing SITE or cut and paste the following URL in the address bar: take the test. (

Then follow these instructions:

1. Create your personal account on the Lafayette test registration page.
2. For security reasons, please use your Lafayette College email credentials (e.g.,
3. Check your Lafayette email account to verify that your email is accurate, click on the link, and go back to the site to continue signing in.
4. Select the appropriate language test: Chinese, French, German, Spanish.
5. Make your payment, create a quiet test environment, and begin.

NOTE: If you experience any technical difficulties with WebCAPE, please contact:

III.  Interpret Your Test Scores

Click on See Score Report and you will immediately see your  test score  and the appropriate placement chart (which also will be forwarded automatically to our department office).

When using the placement guidelines, aim high. Once classes begin, it is easier to go down than to climb up a level. As a safety net, during the first week or two of classes, you are able to drop and add a course. If, during the first two weeks of classes, you find that the level you have chosen is too challenging, drop the course and add one at the next lower level (for ex., drop Advanced 211 and add Intermediate 111). If you have questions, consult a language faculty member who will assist you in finding the appropriate course level.