FLL - Foreign Languages and Literatures

FLL 100 - Guided Independent Language Study (GILS): Introduction to Arabic Letters and Sounds

The GILS Elementary Arabic program covers both spoken and written Modern Standard Arabic with an emphasis on developing speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills. Guided Elementary Arabic 100 emphasizes learning to read, write, and pronounce the Arabic script. It also covers basic conversational skills and culturally appropriate etiquette, and it introduces students to the predominantly Levantine Arabic-speaking community of Easton, Pennsylvania.

Permission of instructor

FLL 101 - Guided Independent Language Study (GILS): Elementary Arabic I

The GILS Elementary Arabic program covers both spoken and written Modern Standard Arabic with an emphasis on developing speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills. Like GILS Arabic 100, GILS Arabic 101 emphasizes learning to read, write, and pronounce the Arabic script. It also covers basic conversational skills and culturally appropriate etiquette. For true beginners, successful completion for both courses (FLL 100-FLL 101) leads to a proficiency level equivalent to one semester of college-level Arabic study in a more traditional classroom setting.

Permission of instructor

FLL 102 - Guided Independent Language Study (GILS): Elementary Arabic 2

The GILS Elementary Arabic program covers both spoken and written Modern Standard ARabic with an emphasis on developing speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills. Like GILS Arabic 100-101, GILS Arabic 102 emphasizes learning to read, write, and pronounce the Arabic script. It also covers basic conversational skills and culturally appropriate etiquette. For true beginners, successful completion of all three courses (FLL 100-FLL 101-FLL 102) leads to a proficiency level equivalent to two semesters of college-level Arabic study in a more traditional classroom setting. [H, EPSL]

Permission of instructor

FLL 180-181 - Guided Independent Language Study

This course provides a proficiency-oriented framework for students wishing to acquire communicative competence in a less commonly taught language through guided independent learning. Working with at least one native language partner and a qualified off-campus instructor serving as an external evaluator, students will acquire knowledge of the communicative structures of the written and spoken language. Weekly reading and related skill-building portfolio assignments plus meetings with language partner. Students, external evaluator and FLL Dept establish learning outcomes and assessment rubrics collectively.

FLL 380 - Second-Language Teaching Methodology and Practicum

Students meet with the instructor on a weekly basis to study teaching methodology, language pedagogy, and second-language acquisition theory. The course also gives students the opportunity to apply what they learn and gain language teaching experience under faculty supervision in local elementary, middle, and high schools. Practicums are available in French, German, Korean, Russian, and Spanish.

FLL 211 or higher, and permission of the instructor

FLL 381 - Second-Language Teaching Methodology and Practicum

Students meet with the instructor on a weekly basis to study teaching methodology, language pedagogy, and second-language acquisition theory. The course also gives students the opportunity to apply what they learn and gain language teaching experience under faculty supervision in local elementary, middle, and high schools. Practicums are available in French, German, Korean, Russian, and Spanish.

FLL 211 or higher, and permission of the instructor